Omnipresent Teacher Sathya Sai Baba

We come to Prasanthi Niliyam asking, “Who is Sai Baba?” But in reality, the question is “Who are we”? Sai Baba has come on earth to teach us the truth of our own identity, so that we may become enlightened. Coming to see Him is important because His example is the living proof that God does exist in pure selfless love.

The omnipresent form of God is our own Divinity that protects, guides, teaches, and provides for all our needs. Our association, our communication, our chanting His name, mediating on His form, feeling His Divine Presence within us will ultimately lead us to the reality that we are God.

“See in Me yourself, for I see Myself in you all. You are My life, My breath, My soul. You are My Forms all. When I love you, I love Myself; when you love yourselves, you love Me! I have separated Myself from Myself so that I may love Myself.  My beloved ones, You are My own Self. ”    

Sathya Sai Baba, May 29, 1996

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