Transformation of the Heart
As the rivers of life carry us on our current of destiny flowing through the caverns of our inner journey, over the barriers of boulders, washing our egos with the polishing sand and pebbles, transformation is taking place. On its journey, the river passes the mountain peaks, crevasses, valleys, meadows, and forest. Sometimes resting in a pool to soak up the pictorial scenes that have been traversed on this moving, stirring, rippling journey, to reflect on the experiences of learning in one’s lifetime. But how to judge the depth of the water, the shallowness of consciousness, the unconscious levels being affected while not aware?
Transformation within us escapes our consciousness blinded by our own ignorance, the bends and turns, swirling around the everyday events, picking up the grit of the riverbed, clouds the purity of judgment. The memory of the journey is but a small view compared to the view seen from the top of the Atmic mountain.
Transformation is defined as “to be changed”. It does not state the nature of change. It could be for the good or not so good. But for us on the Spiritual Journey of life, transformation usually implies transformation from sub-human to human to divine, from selfishness to selflessness, from worldly attachments to un-conditional love in search of our Divine heritage.
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